Welcome to Living Hope Christian Reformed Church in Orillia, Ontario

In June 2022 our church celebrated our new church name and our new church sign that we hope will shine out to the neighbourhood like a beacon of hope.
I'm new.
Whether you are looking for a new church home,
curious about who God is,
or are somewhere along your faith journey,
our desire is that you find Living Hope to be welcoming.
Click here for answers to some frequently asked questions.
What our members say ...
“I had attended Coffee Break for a number of years before I started to worship at Living Hope CRC. I was happy to find the same friendly and welcoming atmosphere at the services. I especially value the good Biblical teaching and the way scripture is made to come alive!”
~ Ronda ~
“When I first starting coming to Living Hope I saw that they hosted BBQ’s for the neighbourhood. I like the fact the members have a heart for their community.”
~ Glenn ~
“I have been attending the Living Hope Christian Reformed Church since moving to Orillia in 2000, it has impacted mine and now my family’s lives as simply giving us a place of awesome worship and wonderful community. Lots of people have come and gone during my time with the church but the true community feeling that has always been present in this church is still there. We love our time in the church, the church family and look forward to the ways that God may use us and the church within the Community of Orillia.”
~ Marcia ~
“From the moment we first walked in the doors, we felt very welcomed, and right at home at Living Hope church. We love our new church family and have found a real sense of community.”
~ Jerianne ~
“The day I walked through the doors, thinking that this was going to be the first of a few churches that I would “check out”, I felt like I was home. I didn’t need to look further; I found my new church family.”
~ Hilda ~