Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100: 1-2
Sunday Morning Worship
A worship service is a meeting place between God and God’s people. Each Sunday we come together as God’s family in the presence of God.
We celebrate God’s worthiness. In worship we experience this worthiness in a concentrated way. God’s faithfulness inspires our faith; God’s authority encourages our obedience; God’s goodness stirs us to greater thankfulness; God’s self-giving love nourishes our love and devotion. God’s Spirit directs to Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, on whom our worship is centered.
During the week we usually encounter God alone, or with a few friends or family members. Our Sunday worship provides a regular opportunity to do so as an entire congregation. It unites us more fully with Jesus Christ and with each other.
Congregational singing has always been an integral part of Reformed worship. Our music is a blend of old and new, encompassing the hymns of the past and the latest from today’s Christian songwriters. Praise teams, organists, and pianists take part in leading the congregational singing.
Worship services are held Sunday mornings at 10:00. There are also livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Our Pastor
Our pastor Jane Porter was ordained in June of 2014. She is thrilled to be a part of the ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in Orillia.
Jane has a passion for preaching and for studying God’s Word. Her experience in raising three children with her husband Doug and her years of work in the film and television industry have developed in her a pastoral heart for a wide variety of people.
Having spent most of their adult life in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 9 years of this living in a housing co-operative, Jane and Doug came to Orillia with a vision of Christian living as a shared life together. “God continues to enter into the lives of people, healing them and growing them to serve him in their communities and in the larger world.”
Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper (Communion) is normally held on the last Sunday of the month. All those who believe in the risen Saviour Jesus Christ and who desire for him to be Lord of their life are welcome to come to the table of the Lord.
To allow full participation by all, we use grape juice rather than wine and gluten-free bread is available.
Our building is partially wheelchair accessible (the main level: sanctuary, fellowship hall, kitchen, and washrooms).
Our building is a scent-free facility to make worship as meaningful and distraction-free as possible for all.